When you apply for US permanent residency, either through a green card or an immigrant visa, one of the requirements for admissibility is that you pass a medical exam conducted by a doctor who is authorized by the USCIS – United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
You need to find an Encino immigration medical exam doctor who is on the government’s list of approved doctors. If you are a US veteran, member of the US military, or a designated dependent, you can also visit any military treatment facility since all military physicians are permitted to perform immigration medical exams.
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Diseases that could make you inadmissible
The aim of the medical exam is to identify whether you have any serious or communicable diseases, drug problems, or mental disorders that would make you ineligible for a green card of visa. The doctor will ensure that you have all the required vaccinations depending on your age group.
The diseases that could prevent you from qualifying for US citizenship include active tuberculosis, infectious stage syphilis, infectious leprosy and gonorrhea. If you don’t have the ability to work in the US or medical insurance, you can also be inadmissible on medical grounds for serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and some mental illnesses.
What to Expect during the Exam
During your medical exam, you will be expected to carry:
- Form I-693, Vaccination Record, and Report of Medical Examination
- Immunization or Vaccination record
- Government-issued photo ID, such as a valid driver’s license, passport, or other identification that shows your name, parent’s full name, and date/place of birth for minors
- Medical insurance card
- Doctor’s fee
The doctor or another medical professional will then request your medical history to review the number of times you have been admitted for any reason, and examine your x-rays. You should be prepared to disclose information about any history of drug/alcohol abuse or some other harmful behavior or psychiatric illness. You cannot deceive the doctors as they have access to your police, school, military, and employment records, all of which can disclose any harmful behavior due to a physical or mental disorder.
An Encino immigration physical examination is also required. The doctor will examine your heart, lungs, skin, abdomen, eyes, nose, ears, throat, lymph nodes, and external genitalia. If you are unwell at the time of the exam, you may be referred to your Encino physician for treatment, and then resume the immigration medical exam when you are healed.
Special circumstances
If, for some reason, the doctor is uncertain about whether you pass the medical exam, you may be referred to another doctor for further tests.
Your authorized Encino doctor will not, however, perform immigration physical or any other medical tests beyond those of interest to the US authorities.